Where to Buy a Kendama : Sweets Kendamas : Blog Article

Where To Buy A Kendama

Written By: Cody Booth

When Matt “Sweets” Jorgenson first fell in love with Kendama, he was lucky that his cousin happened to have one from past family travel in Japan.  When he went to go find where to buy a kendama, his only option was to order all the way from Japan, and the shipping cost was higher than the cost of the kendama! This is part of the reason he founded Sweets Kendamas; to make it easier for people to find and buy great kendamas no matter where they live, and no matter how they like to shop. 

Here at Sweets Kendamas, we aim to make the best kendamas in the world available to everyone and to invest in the growth of the kendama community with a portion of every sale. 

If you’ve landed at this page, you’re in luck, because you can order a kendama right through our website by clicking here and we can ship you one of the best kendamas in the world.

But perhaps you don’t like Matt “Sweets”, or Sweets Kendamas, or just don’t feel comfortable buying online. 

Maybe you need a different way to get a kendama? There are plenty of ways you can get your hands on one. Maybe you’re looking for a particular style, or just can’t wait to start playing and need one as soon as possible; here are some amazingly convenient places you can get a kendama today.

Directly From A Kendama Company

This of course goes without saying, you’re going to be able to order kendamas directly from online websites! Ordering directly from a kendama company itself is the best and most direct way to support them. The best kendama companies utilize a portion of the money that they make from sales and apply it back toward the kendama community.

Some of the options on kendama websites might be slightly more expensive than some of the places mentioned in this article, but it’s easily the best way to ensure that you’re receiving a kendama that will play well and that the company stands behind it.



Back in October of 2018, Sweets Kendamas announced a new partnership with Target to supply our kendamas in their stores nationwide. Today, you can find our Cosmic Swirl Target exclusive kendamas next to the playing cards in most Target stores all over the country; sometimes they even put them out on the end section of an aisle.

Not only is it extremely convenient to go to a local department store to get a kendama, but they also retail at $14.99, which is a fantastic price point for a kendama that can do anything and everything that a much more expensive kendama can do. When you go to your local Target, be sure to nicely ask an employee if you don't see them on the shelf, they might just be chilling in the back. You’ll also know that by buying a Sweets Kendama in Target, you’re supporting us, and we couldn’t appreciate it more!

You can always use our Store Locator application to check and see if your Target carries our kendamas before you go!


Sweets Kendamas - Amazon Store Page

As you probably guessed, you can absolutely find kendamas on Amazon.com, you can even find ours! Plus, if you’re like many people who have Amazon Prime, you can get one shipped to you relatively quickly with their insanely fast shipping. Not only that, but it’s also one of the few places you can still get a kendama in our classic Prime shape. It’s hard to compete with the convenience and prices that Amazon offers; it’s a huge part of why they’ve become so popular!

If you search “kendama” on amazon, you’ll find tons of options ranging in prices, but it's always wise to keep in mind that not all kendamas are created equally, and some kendamas, quite frankly, just aren’t as good as others, either in their design, their making, or even the paint used on it. You can absolutely find a great playing kendama on Amazon, but there is just a chance that there might be something you find that you love the look of, but might not play as well as you might have hoped when you get it. Take a look at customer reviews on a kendama you’re looking to buy if you’re not entirely sure, it might give you some insight into the quality of the product and whether or not the money you spend will get you a kendama that will play well.

Books-A-Million & 2nd & Charles

Books A Million - 2nd & Charles - BOOST Radar Kendama

In November of 2020, we announced a partnership with Books-A-Million and 2nd & Charles to provide our kendamas across 111 of their stores. You can find our Red and Teal BOOST Radars in many stores all over the country and we’re constantly working to add these stores to our Store Locator page. If you’re curious about your local shop, give them a call first and ask if they have any!

Much like Target, it’s hard to beat the convenience of popping by your local bookstore to pick up a freshie!

Small Businesses

YoYo Loco : Banner Image

We have a number of individual stores that stock our kendamas all over the world. From brick-and-mortar shops to international websites, there are shops all over the place that stock our kendamas. Like we’ve mentioned before, using our Store Locator page and putting in your zip code will show you any nearby stores that have our kendamas.

Know of a shop that needs or has our kendamas, but they aren’t on our Store Locator App? Have them contact us here. We're always looking for more wonderful people to help us Spread Kendama Love!

1 comment

  • Braeden Caswell

    I just ordered my first dama and I have been watching so many videos! I am excited for Sakura Summer Online and ready to learn new tricks! Thanks Sweets!

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