Today we're giving a special shoutout to Reed Stark: BMX Pro + Kendama Player + Minnesota Local Reed has been on the come up (literally, the biggest BMX blog is called THE COME UP) in the BMX world and thankfully is taking Kendama along for the ride. We met Reed through a former Sweets employee, Bjorn, who got him into Kendama while on a trip to Greece last summer (check out the edit which features some Kendama -> BSD BMX - Reed Stark Euro Safari). We've been keeping in touch with Reed since, making sure he's laced with Sweets gear. We even had him model in our 'OVERLOAD' Homegrown 2K16 Apparel Drop video It's been cool to see Kendama mentioned in more videos outside of our community. Here Reed gives a break down of his bike set up and shouts us at the end with his sponsors plus laces a quick trick for the camera wearing his HOMEGROWN SAFARI HAT (Shout-out around 3:45) Last week on The Come Up TV, Reed was asked about his Kendama that he always carries around and the following commentary is gold! Thanks for defending Kendama, Reed! (Shout out around 25:00)

Do you have a signature reed stark kendama?
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