Who is Boo Johnson? Kendama X Skateboarding - Sweets Mob

Who is Boo Johnson? Kendama X Skateboarding - Sweets Mob

The Sweets Mob is our team of players who share our love of kendama, but are professionals in their own walks of life. Whether it’s Skateboarding, BMX, or one of the many other disciplines that the Mob Team specializes in, they’re a special, tight-knit group of people who do so much in helping us spread kendama to the broader world. It’s even possible that one of our Mob members got you, the reader, into kendama!

Boo Johnson is a professional Skateboarder for DGK, the owner of Long Beach Pharmacy Boardshop, and also runs JHF (Just Have Fun), his own clothing brand. On top of all of this, he’s an IMG model, actor, AND a Sweets Mob Team Member.

Boo has been playing kendama since 2018. So far, this will be his fourth model with Sweets and we couldn’t be more stoked about how much he does to help us spread kendama love.

He's been progressing like crazy, sharing kendama with the world around him, and has put an incredible amount of thought into his new kendamaWhile his original three models were heavily influenced by skateboarding, Boo’s newest model is much more personal, with design elements inspired from sacred geometry and even his own tattoos! 


The Sacred Model is the most beautiful and complex design we've made for Boo yet. Coming in the Amped Shape, the best playing kendama shape we've ever made, it's a guarantee that it'll play just as good as it looks.

The new Boo Johnson Sacred Model is available now while supplies last in Cushion Clear and Sticky Clear! Snag one now and join us in congratulating Boo on his new mod!

Want to dive deeper into Boo J? Check out these videos!


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