Sweets Studios Live! Season 2 Premiere. Tech Deck Madness.

Sweets Studios Live! Season 2 Premiere. Tech Deck Madness.

Every Thursday from 6-8 PM CST Sweets and Cooper host a live kendama show on our Twitch Channel Sweets_Kendamas. Each week the guys start the show by interacting with people in the chat and watching videos submissions from the community. Submit your videos to sweetskendamas@gmail.com if you want a chance to have it shown on our next stream. During Mail Time we open stuff people have sent us from around the world. Coop and Sweets hop in the studio next and play some sort of kendama game. The stakes are high, usually someone is eating or drinking something disgusting if they lose! Every stream the guys are giving something away at the end. Usually it is the newest damas that are not released yet. If you are a $4.99 tier 1 subscriber you have the best chance of winning the best prizes. So sub up and support the show if you can. 


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