We are proud to announce that we’ve teamed up with Greenspark in order to make kendama more sustainable and to spread kendama love beyond play. Our partnership with Greenspark empowers us to make a significant impact with every purchase. For every kendama bought from our website, we plant a tree!
When you look at a product on our website, check to see if the Greenspark Badge is applied. Every item with a Greenspark Badge is included in the program and will plant a tree every time it is purchased!
Everything adds up - if there is more than one item in your cart that has the Greenspark Badge, more trees are planted from the support with your order. Once you’ve added a few things to your shopping cart, you can even check your Cart page to see how many trees your order will plant.
Nope! With Greenspark’s help, we’re able to push towards a more-sustainable business model without the need to raise prices or ask for donations at checkout. A portion of proceeds on every eligible product purchased will go directly towards the charity in order to plant more trees. Simply put, we’re putting kendama-money right back into our planet.
You can see a breakdown of the impact we’ve made so far at our Greenspark page HERE.