Sweets Kendamas - The #1 Place to Learn How to Play Kendama

Sweets Kendamas - The #1 Place to Learn How to Play Kendama

Here at Sweets Kendamas we have been putting out new tutorial videos since 2013! It has always been our goal to keep the community up to date with high quality tutorial videos of the latest tricks. Make sure you are subscribed to our Youtube Channel so you know when new tricks are uploaded. We like to upload 1 or 2 new trick videos a week. 

Whether you are a beginner playing for the first time, or an experienced veteran looking to learn a new trick, we have something for you. All our tricks are broken up into 3 playlists on the website Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. So jump into a category and start learning some new tricks. 

Here is the trick we uploaded today. 


  • Paul Vicente

    Dear Matt and the Sweets Kendamas crew,

    First and foremost, I would like to extend my thanks for creating Sweets Kendamas. I am almost on my 2nd year of playing kendama on November 17 and the Frasermod has helped me unlock a lot of new tricks. That cushion clear is really something else.

    I think these videos are really good for people like me. I hope you can continue to create great material to help us step up our game. I hope to learn more and get better at my kendama playing.

    I wish there are more sweets kendama shops in Japan. I recently moved here and was surprised to find a lack of kendama specialty shops outside of Tokyo and Hiroshima. I say this because I Iive in Nagoya.

    I was wondering if it is possible to create a network of kendama players to help find fellow players around my area. My Japanese isn’t really up to scratch and I know I should be getting better at it, but it would also help a lot if I had a network too.

  • Grey

    Thanks guys for putting these up. I am a newbie. Just got back from Japan and picked up an Ozora Street Black. Having fun with your help!

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