Kendama Club Tuesday! Sakura Practice

Kendama Club Tuesday! Sakura Practice

Kendama Tuesday is Back in full swing! 

Remember we are an all-ages no Alcohol Club! Come hang out with the best of the twin cities and sesh some Kendama! Whether you are new or well-practiced come hang out and learn something new!

Today, in honor of the upcoming Kendama Event in multiple international cities the Sakura Classic hosted by Grain theory, we will be hosting a practice tournament. Check out their Instagram and Youtube for the information and Trick lists!  


Speed Ladder

See you at 6!


  • Joie


    My son Bastion (age 12) recently got into Kendama through his afterschool class. He really loved it and is enjoying learning the more difficult tricks and moving up in ratings/class. His coach told him about KenClub and thinks he’ll benefit from meeting and learning from other Kendama lovers. Bastion asked me if he could join the KenClub and to check it out for him.

    How does he go about joining KenClub? What do we need to do? Do you still meet every Tuesdays? I need more info please.

    You can contact me at my email above ( Hoping to hear from you soon.


  • Joie

    My son Bastion (age 12) recently got into Kendama and he really loves it! He’s interested to learn more and would benefit from meeting people with the same interests. His afterschool Kendama coach suggested he join KenClub and Bastion has asked me if he could join and to look into it.

    How do I sign him up to join KenClub? Are you still meeting every Tuesday at 6 pm? Where can I get more info?

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